How effective is PRP treatment for hair fall?

Regrow your hair with just one procedure - Head PRP.

We believe that your frequent hair loss brought you to this blog, so we have the correct answers to your hair-related concerns. Hair loss occurs due to stress, illness, hormonal imbalance, or genetic defects. Moreover, falling hair, receding hairline, thinning hair, and alopecia – are all significant stressors. The advanced PRP hair loss treatment is preferred when medications, supplements, and DIY remedies fail to work. The scalp is a sensitive part of the human body; thus, it requires careful treatment. PRP hair fall therapy is a new and innovative technique to stimulate hair growth with utmost care for the scalp.

Working of PRP treatment to induce rapid hair growth

PRP treatment begins with drawing 30 ml. of blood out of the patient’s arm. The cosmetic specialist uses centrifugation to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the blood’s constituents. Then, he injects the plasma into three cubic centimetres of the scalp after applying a numbing cream.

The platelets act at the level of the hair follicles strengthening them to resist hair breakage. Alternatively, the ample amount of growth factors in the plasma act on the stem cells and trigger them to divide rapidly. As a result, large hair follicles from the scalp increase hair volume. The platelets have the wound-healing ability, so they cure the pinpoint pricks on the scalp in no time.

Skin specialists of Artisan Aesthetics

Critical features of PRP hair fall treatment

  • Improvement in hair growth – Significant improvement in hair growth occurs within six months. The rate of hair fall reduces after each session.
  • Activation of follicles – Ceased hair follicles activate and result in efficient hair growth.
  • Distinction – New hair grown are strong, healthy, and shiny.
  • Safety – Head PRP is a safe procedure. It requires no surgical operation and is minimally invasive.
  • No exceptions – PRP hair fall treatment is equally functional for men and women. It works regardless of age and origin.

Side effects and risks of PRP treatment

PRP hair fall therapy’s least possible side effects are slight pain, mild redness, and pinpoint bleeding. Several risks associated with it include bruising on the scalp, localized swelling, and infection due to carelessness.

Make sure to use gentle hair care products after the procedure. Do not apply chemical treatments for a few days. If you have psoriasis, autoimmune disorders, or skin allergies, consult a qualified dermatologist before going for head PRP.

Best places to get a PRP treatment

Always get your body-related treatments from a certified cosmetic specialist. For a hair fall PRP process, visit the clinic premises to ensure the hygiene and utility of sterile instruments. Get a complete guide from the cosmetologist about the process and do a thorough consultation.

Make sure to use gentle hair care products after the procedure. Do not apply chemical treatments for a few days. If you have psoriasis, autoimmune disorders, or skin allergies, consult a qualified dermatologist before going for head PRP.

The final word!

Although a 6-month hair fall PRP treatment provides permanent results, it is necessary to have maintenance treatments at least twice a year. Take good care of your diet with the aid of biotins and vitamins to boost hair growth.

Start the PRP therapy when you realize that you are losing hair abnormally because it does not work for a completely bald head. You can reverse hair loss in time with your mindfulness. Only hair transplant works for bald heads, which is a painful method.

Make sure to use gentle hair care products after the procedure. Do not apply chemical treatments for a few days. If you have psoriasis, autoimmune disorders, or skin allergies, consult a qualified dermatologist before going for head PRP.

Skin specialists of Artisan Aesthetics

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